Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Who What When Where Why

The day to day job of working in CG animation does not afford for nearly enough drawing. Planning out a scene with thumbnails here and there are not enough to keep up the talent to draw well and communicate with those drawings. Now that I've discovered this, I've come up with a plan to defeat the inevitable rustiness that was already creeping in (as you can clearly see).

I've decided to take on the task of doing a new sketch every day. I've seen this put into practice often, my favourite example being the books of Chris Ayers' "The Daily Zoo: Keeping the Doctor at Bay with a Drawing a Day." While clearly not having the same motivation as an artist who suffers from cancer, I appreciated the dedication it must have taken. Its a great plan in theory, but there have to be those days in there that you just really don't feel like it. But I don't think my hurdle is the motivation to draw, but rather what to draw. I knew I would need help finding "the thing" to draw each day. I also know I would get bored too easily if I stuck to a limited topic like animals, and I'm not creative enough to invent a new topic every day, especially after a long day of making fairies and unicorns dance around on screen.

So my idea, which has the side benefit of learning attached, is to read through lists of human history from that particular day, and create a sketch out of it. While some very interesting topics have too much detail and backstory to convey in a single quick sketch, I think instead I'll aim to just make the event/person kind of funny, or just have my own take on a particular aspect.

Lets see how long this lasts.

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