Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April 5

This day in sketchtory, Kurt Cobain killed himself. This was, in my opinion, a poor decision.

A fairly interesting conspiracy theory proposed by a private investigator Tom Grant exists, and suggests that Cobain did not in fact kill himself, but instead way murdered. Some aspects of it do actually raise an eyebrow, including the shotgun having no fingerprints on it, a level of heroin in Cobain's bloodstream that would make a person unable to pull a trigger on themselves, and the suicide note showing changing writing patterns and and style. Cobain's lawyer even claimed he was not suicidal and had begun the process to change his will so Courtney Love would be left out, as he was preparing to divorce her. All this leads to a fascinating story, but more than likely, it was as simple as it could be, the dude just killed himself. Which sucks, because he was really good.

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